
Aconteceu em São Paulo, de 1o a 4 de maio, na bienal do Parque Ibirapuera, o 1o Salão Vegetariano promovido pela SVB. Além das empresas expositoras, foram diversas demonstrações culinárias, com apoio da Electrolux, um seminário com várias palestras sobre meio ambiente, direitos animais e vegetarianismo e a Feira do Desenho Vivo. O público compareceu em massa, lotando o Salão Vegetariano.
A Feira do Desenho Vivo estará aberta ao público nos seguintes horários:


Quinta-feira - 1 de maio: das 13 às 16 horas

Sexta-feira - 2 de maio:  das 13 às 16 horas

Sábado - 3 de maio: das 11 às 15 horas

Domingo - 4 de maio: das 11 às 15 horas

Apresentação da pesquisa convivência com o biochip: sábado - 3 de maio, das 15 às 17 horas.


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Entrada gratuita
Dia 1 de maio - quinta-feira
13:00-14:00h Julio Barillas - salada de funcho, amêndoas e laranja; moreninha esperta
14:00-15:00h Anna Maria Curcelli - festival de patês, mousse de chocolate, bisteca de tofu
15:00-16:00h Regina Pavan - sambhar masala, dhal de legumes; garam masala; arroz frito com especiarias
16:00-17:00h Alex Fernandes - pizzas em máquina de fazer pão de tomates secos e tofupiry
17:00-18:00h Julio Barillas - salada de arroz e azeitonas; moreninha esperta; feijão egípcio
18:00-19:00h Silvia Helena Saraiva - rolos de batata com recheio de palmito
19:00-20:00h Flavio Passos - alimentação viva
20:00-21:00h Laura Kim Barbosa - hambúrgeres, salgadinhos, bolos doces, docinhos, milk-shakes, leites vegetais, pavês
Dia 2 de maio - sexta-feira
13:00-14:00h Nereida Cortopassi - pratos com tempeh
14:00-15:00h Angela Festa - Mãe Terra - pão enformado de legumes e torta de frutas
15:00-16:00h Fernanda Franco - tapiocas recheadas
16:00-17:00h Alberto Gonzalez - alimentos crus
17:00-18:00h Julio Barillas - moreninha esperta
18:00-19:00h Diogo Ramos Miranda - paella vegana
19:00-21:00h Lar Vegetariano - sojasco - churrasco de soja
Dia 3 de maio - sábado
11:00-12:00h Angélica C Fonseca - Tofutura - pratos com tofu
12:00-13:00h equipe SVB
13:00-14:00h Renata Octaviani
14:00-15:00h Dina Bastos - Mãe Terra - cozinha natural alternativa
17:00-19:00h Tatiana Cardoso - Moinho de Pedra - Quinuas negras com tomates orgânico, gengibre e alho, servida com escalopes de tofu assados em marinado agridoce; penne com tomate concassé, gengibre em conserva, shimeji, ciboulette, manjericão;  Risoto de arroz integral com manga  e pimenta biquinho acompanhado de dahl de lentilhas com abóbora, curry e azeite de coentros;  torta de bananas com fibras sem açúcar
19:00-20:00h Alberto Gonzalez - alimentação crudívora
Dia 4 de maio - domingo
11:00-13:00h Tatiana Cardoso - Moinho de Pedra - cuzcuz  - mix de 3 quinuas (negra, vermelha e branca) com lentilhas libanesas, legumes salteados;  quiche de tofú, tomate e manjericão;  grão-de-bico com tahine, tomates e hortelã; salada refrescante de pêra Borsin, gengibre em conserva, amêndoas tostadas e especiarias;  bolo quente de ameixa fresca, framboesa e maçã adoçado com melado orgânico
13:00-14:00h Flavio Passos - alimento vivo
14:00-15:00h Anna Maria Curcelli - estrogonofe rápido; bife acebolado
15:00-16:00h Silvia Helena Saraiva - torta de mandioca e shimeji
16:00-18:00h Atividade com crianças - pão de melado
18:00-19:00h Ellen Vitorino - arroz de carreteiro, salada verde caipira, sorbet de limão com caqui em calda de laranja
19:00-20:00h Regina Pavan - torta indiana de legumes
salao.jpgO Salão Vegetariano vai reunir, numa área de 300 m², dez empresas que trabalham com produtos direcionados aos consumidores vegetarianos e que sigam padrões de origem e qualidade. Junto a estes expositores, a SBV manterá um espaço em que fará apresentações diárias de aulas de culinária vegetariana. Entrada gratuita - degustações.
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11th International Vegan Festival

Celebrate Righteousness!

(The First Indian Vegan Festival)
At RNS Residency, Murdeshwar, Karnataka, India. From Sep.30 to Oct. 06, 2007

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The 11th International Vegan Festival was held for the first time in India, a country with strong vegetarian tradition but where veganism is still largely unnown. It was in Murdeshwar, Karnataka, a site of pilgrimage where stands the biggest Shiva statue of India. The venue Hotel had nice installations and a superb view to the beach.

People from some 14 countries (Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Iran, Italy, Israel, New Zeeland, South Africa, Sweden, US, UK and of course many from India) gathered to discuss the benefit and advantages of veganism besides of the deleterious effect of a meat and animal products diet in general.

Present the founder of this Festival and organizer of 3 Vegan Festivals in Denmark, Kirsten Jungsberg, vegetarian since she was five and vegan since 1979 (some 27 years). Present also the organizer of 9th International Vegan Festival in Australia, Zalan Glen. See report of Zalan.

The atmosphere was very nice during the entire event which had excellent presentations.


Shankar Narayan, president of the Indian Vegan Society and Indian coordinator of International Vegetarian Union worked very hard for more than a year to put together this Festival. And the result was there: 6 days plenty with talks, many artistic presentation and confraternity, in a informal and friendship clime.

We started every day with a yoga class whose instructor kindly received us during the Festival in is own Indian typical home with a very good lunch and dance presentation from the villagers and an expert demonstration of coconut collecting.

Meetings like these one besides of strengthening ties among activists are inspirational moment for charging batteries for the arduous work in front of us of fighting so that veganism become more and more recognized and putting in practice.

I met there some friends of other international veg events, among them some who attended the 36th World Vegetarian Congress, in Florianopolis, in 2004 and people I met at 8th Vegan Festival, in San Diego, in 1995, as Karin Gunarson and Juan Deguara.


It is the big vegan family that goes around the seven seas to be part of this net who works for a better world; a world without cruelty and exploitation, a compassionate, peaceful, sustainable and equitable world free from famine and injustice.

On the 2nd of October, Gandhi´s birthday, we did a Peaceful March for about 2 km, from the venue to the city gate.



The trips were amusing: cashew plant, yoga teacher typical Indian home and the Jog Falls, the highest water falls in India.

Brazil and Italy presented proposals to organize the next Vegan Festivals. The Serena Coles Committee soon will inform about dates and venues.

Brazil is prepared to organize an International Vegan Festival in Rio de Janeiro in 2009.

All are invited!

Veg in Rio 2009

Marly Winckler – Latin America and the Caribbean coordinator of International Vegetarian Union, president of Brazilian Vegetarian Society, organizer of 36th World Vegetarian Congress and the 1st Latin American and Brazilian Vegetarian Congress


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A tour on the Festival - Marly Winckler
Arriving in Mumbai
Peace March
Interview with Shankar Narayan - organizer of 11th IVF

Interview wit Kirsten Jungsberg - founder of Festival
Interview with Dr. Nandita Shah
Interview with Dr. Helga D´have from Belgium Vegetarian Society
Interview with Subramanian Sivarajah- vegan activist in England
Interview with Colin Sky - vegan activist in New Zeland


Vegetarianism in Iran - Dr Ebadi


Gathering coconut at yogateacher typical Indian home
Dance at yoga teacher home
Indian Dance at 11 IVF

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